Be Afraid… Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (2024)

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Related Story Most Popular Diane Butts Heads With Both Nikki *and* Kyle — and Audra's Secret Investor Is Revealed Katie Grills Bill and Poppy — and Hope Fantasizes About Finn as Steffy Warns Brooke to Keep Her Away From Him <p>When <em>The Young and the Restless</em> introduced the character of Sheila Carter in 1990, we initially thought that she was just the high-haired new nurse at Genoa City Memorial Hospital. How wrong we were! In the time that it took her to arch an eyebrow, her crush on married Dr. Scott Grainger went from a mild infatuation to a full-blown…</p> <p>Not only did Sheila drug Lauren Fenmore’s husband in order to take advantage of him, the villainess used her subsequent pregnancy to guilt him into marriage, stole his and Lauren’s newborn to replace her own ill-fated baby, and tried to send to the morgue anyone who dared to get in her way. When finally the walls started closing in on her, she decided that it was time to…</p> <p>After faking her death in Genoa City, Sheila headed to Los Angeles, home of <em>The Bold and the Beautiful</em>. There, she turned over a new leaf and… Ha. Just kidding. A psycho to the core, she got right up to her old tricks, fixating on moneybags Eric Forrester to the point that she ran off his son Rick’s nanny and tampered with paternity tests to clear her path to marriage. She might have gotten away with it, too, had her former foe not showed up for…</p> <p>Upon learning that Sheila hadn’t gone to hell but, ironically, the City of Angels, Lauren threatened to spill all of her tormentor’s secrets to Eric. “Do it,” Sheila said (well, more or less), “and I’ll reveal to Scott that you cheated on him with <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Bill Spencer</span> Brad Carlton!” The two of them could have gone on this way forever, and probably would have, had Scott not croaked, inexplicably making his dying wish that his widow say “bygones.”</p> <p>After Sheila (cough) accidentally killed her first shrink, she wound up kidnapping his successor, James Warwick, with whom she conceived a child. (Oh, James!) Hoping to keep poor Mary from being raised by the frequently homicidal maniac, the psychiatrist suggested that eh, never mind about his feelings for Maggie Forrester, he and Sheila should get married instead. It did not go well.</p> <p>Four years after abducting her daughter and going on the lam, Sheila returned to L.A., where — when not deciding who to poison or drown next — she became embroiled in love affairs with both scarves and Ridge Forrester’s biological father, Massimo Marone. And in her spare time? Mommie Dearest attempted to land Rick as a husband for Mary by… Wait, seriously?</p> <p>To drive a wedge between Rick and babymama Amber Moore, Sheila hired a himbo to drug Mary’s rival and take her to bed. When later he was all, “I don’t feel quite right about this,” Sheila significantly shortened his life expectancy by releasing a jar full of bees into his apartment (and, from the looks of this picture, also stealing the Rolodex card on which he’d written the number for 911).</p> <p>Foiled at every turn, Sheila embarked on a crime spree that should have gotten her put away for the kind of life sentence that ends with an exclamation point. By the time she was done, there wasn’t a bridge that she hadn’t burned, a detractor at whom she hadn’t taken aim.</p> <p>… that’s the wrong one.’ As this image subtly suggests, Mary was none too pleased that Mom had made her persona non grata not only with crush Rick but with pretty much everyone who read a newspaper or owned a TV. (Today, of course, being related to a violent criminal would probably have gotten the erstwhile Erica Lovejoy a talk show and a cover shoot for <em>In Touch</em>.)</p> <p>Look at the expressions on Sheila’s henchmen; even <em>they</em> were like, “Bro, I don’t care <em>what</em> she says, you better <em>do</em> what she says.” Mind you, all Sheila really wanted after kidnapping Ridge (then Ronn Moss) on his and Brooke’s South American honeymoon in 2003 was for him to behave long enough for her to collect the ransom from Mojo and vamoose with his daughter, Diana.</p> <p>… and then there’s whatever possessed Sheila to stalk Lauren all the way back to <em>The Young and the Restless</em>, where she played mind games with the redhead’s unwitting son, Scotty, “haunted” her longtime nemesis and embarked on a new career that would serve her well in future years. Or at least would find her, well, serving in future years.</p> <p>That’s right, folks. It was during her Genoa City homecoming that Sheila stuck on a rubber nose, chomped down on some fake teeth, pulled out her best Eliza Doolittle accent and passed herself off as Jennifer Mitchell, the worst waitress ever to take an order at Gina’s.</p> <p>It seemed like old times when Sheila crashed Lauren’s honeymoon with Michael Baldwin and started one of the knock-down, drag-out fights for which they are so well-known. But that was just the appetizer course, as far as the madwoman was concerned. It was the entree that would really be…</p> <p>Sheila’s master plan? Kidnap Lauren and blow her up along with accomplice du jour “Terrible Tom” Fisher. The results of that master plan? Kevin’s father nearly turned the tables on his treacherous lover, who was lucky to make it out of the harebrained scheme with a pulse. Naturally, she was so relieved that she began…</p> <p>Specifically, Phyllis Summers’ life. Never one to count her blessings, Sheila underwent extensive plastic surgery to turn herself into a replica of Nick Newman’s then-wife, all to once again perturb Lauren. When the co*ckamamie plot, as they all do, went up in smoke, Sheila was said to be really, most sincerely dead. Mm-hmm, and if you believed that, you probably also think you’re the proud owner of a certain bridge in Brooklyn.</p> <p>In 2017, Sheila turned up on<em> The Bold and the Beautiful</em> again, not just alive but with her old face. (Mmkay… ) Though she insisted that she wanted to make up for past wrongs — how exactly would one go about <em>un</em>-trying to kill people? — she was greeted with the tawny L.A. version of pitchforks and torches: skeptical looks and fireplace pokers.</p> <p>Eric made it clear the distance that he wanted his former wife to keep. But c’mon, we all know what a sucker he is. In the time that it takes Brooke to swap spouses, he’d let Sheila become a thorn in the side of new wife Quinn Fuller and as big a threat to their marriage as the missus’ makeout sessions with Ridge.</p> <p>Over and over, Sheila found herself asking that very question. And over and over, we found ourselves pointing to pictures like these as the answer. The only thing that had changed was Sheila’s punching bag. Instead of wailing on Lauren, it was Quinn who came running anytime she heard a can of whupass being opened.</p> <p>Sheila may never get her painting hung above the Forrester fireplace for longer than it takes to snap a selfie, but in the summer of 2021, the Il Gardino waitress turned up again with something that she’d never had before: a blood tie to the Forresters, courtesy of her surprise son, Steffy’s fiancé, “Finn” Finnegan. Maybe now she’d be able to straighten up and fly right. Sure, and maybe <em>this</em> would be the time that Brooke and Ridge’s marriage lasted!</p> <p>After revealing herself as Steffy’s new monster-in-law, Sheila was stunned, positively <em>stunned</em>, not to be welcomed into the Forrester clan with open arms. But she told herself that if Taylor Hayes could rise from the dead after she’d killed her, anything was possible. So the busy bee set about replacing nemesis Brooke’s nonalcoholic champagne with <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Folgers Crystals</span> real bubbly as part of a bonkers scheme to reunite Taylor with Ridge and win a spot in the family’s Christmas portraits forevermore. Hey, it made sense to her.</p> <p>As word spread that Brooke hadn’t fallen off the wagon but had been pushed, Steffy made it clear for the umpteenth time that Sheila was never going to play any role in Finn’s life except that of a distant memory. Reacting poorly, Mommie Dearest whipped out a gun, intent on making her son a widower. But instead, Finn showed up just in time to take the bullet that Sheila had hoped would put Steffy in an early grave. D’oh!</p> <p>As quickly as Sheila was arrested, she broke out of jail and discovered that rumors of Finn’s death had been greatly exagerrated. So she hastened rival mom Li Finnegan’s demise — or so she thought — and cast herself and Finn in their own version of <em>Misery</em>. What she hadn’t counted on was just how poorly he was going to react to her shooting spree, not to mention his desire to throttle her on his way toward reuniting with Steffy.</p> <p>Reminding us that there’s no length “toe” which she won’t go to avoid paying for her crimes, Sheila faked her own death — yes, <em>again</em> — strapped on her finest Connie Britton wig and seduced her latest lust object, Deacon Sharpe. Understandably, he was horrified to discover what he had done — and <em>who</em>. But that was nothing compared to his upset at being informed that, whether he wanted one or not, he now had a roommate.</p> <p>Fickle much? As into Deacon as Sheila had seemed to be, somewhere along the line, she apparently had made a side piece of Bill Spencer. Erm, how? Why? Well, since neither of his standby ex-wives would take him back — and he’d never heard of Tinder — he saw as his only option hooking up with the local homicidal maniac. Or so we <em>thought</em>.</p> <p>After accepting Bill’s marriage proposal, Sheila let him talk her into confessing to the murder of Lance Day. (<a href="" target="_blank">Remember him?</a>) But as soon as the words had passed her lips, her new fiancé revealed that his house was bugged, and rather than the honeymoon suite, she was headed for prison. Enraged, Sheila lunged at Bill, totally missed him — great reflexes on that guy! — and… Yup. Off the balcony, she went.</p> <p>After a few months in the clink, Sheila paid a visit to the <em>Crazy People’s Court</em>, where a judge who looked an awful lot like <em>Young & Restless</em> sicko David Kimble muttered some “legal” mumbo jumbo that amounted to “Never mind how many people in this very room you’ve shot. You’re free to go, ma’am. Don’t forget to get your parking validated.”</p> <p>Sheila’s release was a good news, bad news scenario of the first order. Bad, because it sent her straight into Finn’s arms for the awkwardest hug ever — <em>and</em> one that was caught on video by Steffy’s newly <em>re</em>-besotted ex, Liam Spencer. Good, because, being as stalkeriffic as Sheila is, she was on hand to go all <em>Baywatch</em> when Finn nearly let stepdaughter Kelly drown at the beach.</p> <p>Demonstrating all the common sense possessed by a dust bunny, Deacon not only proposed to Sheila, he hired her at Il Giardino. Because who <em>doesn’t</em> want their pizza served to them by the tabloid sensation that shot two people in the alley of that very restaurant? Despite having said that she had access to a fortune, Sheila was as happy as a clam waiting tables. If only… sigh. If only she could hang around with Finn.</p> <p>Clearly, Sheila needed a reminder that she couldn’t hang around Finn or, for that matter, go near <em>anyone</em> about whom Steffy cared. Luckily, Finn’s wife was only too ready to provide this reminder after the mother-in-law from hell made the mistake of approaching Kelly while she was on a playdate. Also luckily, Finn and Deacon were on hand to break up the brawl; otherwise, it might never have ended.</p> <p>Pushed not just to the edge but over it, Sheila stalked Steffy to her home with every intention of putting an end to their feud by putting an end to her daughter-in-law. But the joke was on Sheila when Steffy grabbed a knife and took a stab at ridding the world of her personal nightmare.</p> <p>Attendance at Sheila’s memorial service was… eh, we’ll be generous and say <em>sparse</em>. But maybe that was for the best since, no sooner had Deacon accompanied “her” body to the crematorium than he discovered that the stiff had 10 toes, not nine. Obviously, <a href="" target="_blank">it was you-know-who who had died</a> and not Sheila.</p> <p>After getting Lauren to teach a crash course in all things Sugar — aka the onetime accomplice that Sheila made over in her image — Deacon recruited Finn to play amateur detective with him. Turned out, they were naturals. In no time, they had found Sheila unconscious and in desperate need of a manicure in an abandoned building.</p> References
  • The Bold and the Beautiful
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Charlie Mason

16 hours ago

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (1)

Credit: Howard Wise/JPI (2)

Over the years, The Young and the Restless’ Victor Newman has locked up an enemy and fed him rats, caged another tormentor and fed her brussels sprouts (which may have been even worse), turned loose a nemesis’ psychotic ex on him and replaced a rival with a lookalike drug lord. In turn, Bold & Beautiful baddie Sheila Carter has stolen husbands and babies alike, tied up a loose end using murderous bees, shot almost everyone she’s ever met and kidnapped the rest of her acquaintances. So needless to say, were they to team up, it was be…terrifying!

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But when ran into Kimberlin Brown recently on the red carpet at the Emmys, that was exactly the notion that she floated. Asked what dream scenario she’d conjure up for herself, no matter how outlandish, she said without missing a beat that she’d hook up Sheila with the most powerful tycoon in all of Genoa City. “I think I’d be Victor Newman’s love interest [on The Young and the Restless]. That’s what I think I would do and that’s where I’d go. Between the two of us, I think we’d be unstoppable.”

Despite the fact that Eric Braeden has been front and center on Young & Restless since 1980 and Brown has bopped back and forth between the sister soaps since 1990, the actors have never crossed paths in a major storyline. Victor’s been busy breaking up and making up with Nikki and thwarting Jack Abbott, and Sheila’s gone from making Lauren Fenmore’s life hell to becoming the bane of Steffy Forrester’s existence. Together, the pot stirrers would be…Sheesh. The mind boggles to think about it.

More: Wait… when did Katie and Carter break up?

At least our mind boggles. Brown’s is delighted by the possibility of Sheila being added to Victor’s long list of wives. “Are you kidding me?” she exclaims with a laugh. “He has the wealth Sheila needs to exact revenge on anyone who’s ever hurt her.” Heaven knows that’s a long list, considering that she’s never forgiven Lauren for objecting to having her son kidnapped, she thinks Steffy’s a real meanie for holding a grudge over the fact that the madwoman shot her mother and stepmother and grandmother (and so on), and she’s still miffed at Bill for sexing a murder confession out of her — and, worse, with lame sex.

Would you like to see Sheila and Victor team up to wreak havoc? On your way to the comments, review the villainess’ life of crime in the below photo gallery.

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Diane Butts Heads With Both Nikki *and* Kyle — and Audra's Secret Investor Is Revealed

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Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (8)

Image: CBS/Courtesy of the Everett Collection


<p>When <em>The Young and the Restless</em> introduced the character of Sheila Carter in 1990, we initially thought that she was just the high-haired new nurse at Genoa City Memorial Hospital. How wrong we were! In the time that it took her to arch an eyebrow, her crush on married Dr. Scott Grainger went from a mild infatuation to a full-blown…</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (9)


<p>Not only did Sheila drug Lauren Fenmore’s husband in order to take advantage of him, the villainess used her subsequent pregnancy to guilt him into marriage, stole his and Lauren’s newborn to replace her own ill-fated baby, and tried to send to the morgue anyone who dared to get in her way. When finally the walls started closing in on her, she decided that it was time to…</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (10)

Image: CBS/Courtesy of the Everett Collection


<p>After faking her death in Genoa City, Sheila headed to Los Angeles, home of <em>The Bold and the Beautiful</em>. There, she turned over a new leaf and… Ha. Just kidding. A psycho to the core, she got right up to her old tricks, fixating on moneybags Eric Forrester to the point that she ran off his son Rick’s nanny and tampered with paternity tests to clear her path to marriage. She might have gotten away with it, too, had her former foe not showed up for…</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (11)

Image: Monty Brinton/CBS/Courtesy of the Everett Collection


<p>Upon learning that Sheila hadn’t gone to hell but, ironically, the City of Angels, Lauren threatened to spill all of her tormentor’s secrets to Eric. “Do it,” Sheila said (well, more or less), “and I’ll reveal to Scott that you cheated on him with <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Bill Spencer</span> Brad Carlton!” The two of them could have gone on this way forever, and probably would have, had Scott not croaked, inexplicably making his dying wish that his widow say “bygones.”</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (12)

Image: John Paschal/JPI


<p>After Sheila (cough) accidentally killed her first shrink, she wound up kidnapping his successor, James Warwick, with whom she conceived a child. (Oh, James!) Hoping to keep poor Mary from being raised by the frequently homicidal maniac, the psychiatrist suggested that eh, never mind about his feelings for Maggie Forrester, he and Sheila should get married instead. It did not go well.</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (13)

Image: Aaron Montgomery/JPI


<p>Four years after abducting her daughter and going on the lam, Sheila returned to L.A., where — when not deciding who to poison or drown next — she became embroiled in love affairs with both scarves and Ridge Forrester’s biological father, Massimo Marone. And in her spare time? Mommie Dearest attempted to land Rick as a husband for Mary by… Wait, seriously?</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (14)

Image: Jesse Grant/JPI


<p>To drive a wedge between Rick and babymama Amber Moore, Sheila hired a himbo to drug Mary’s rival and take her to bed. When later he was all, “I don’t feel quite right about this,” Sheila significantly shortened his life expectancy by releasing a jar full of bees into his apartment (and, from the looks of this picture, also stealing the Rolodex card on which he’d written the number for 911).</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (15)

Image: Aaron Montgomery/JPI (3)


<p>Foiled at every turn, Sheila embarked on a crime spree that should have gotten her put away for the kind of life sentence that ends with an exclamation point. By the time she was done, there wasn’t a bridge that she hadn’t burned, a detractor at whom she hadn’t taken aim.</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (16)

Image: Aaron Montgomery/JPI


<p>… that’s the wrong one.’ As this image subtly suggests, Mary was none too pleased that Mom had made her persona non grata not only with crush Rick but with pretty much everyone who read a newspaper or owned a TV. (Today, of course, being related to a violent criminal would probably have gotten the erstwhile Erica Lovejoy a talk show and a cover shoot for <em>In Touch</em>.)</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (17)

Image: Jesse Grant/JPI


<p>Look at the expressions on Sheila’s henchmen; even <em>they</em> were like, “Bro, I don’t care <em>what</em> she says, you better <em>do</em> what she says.” Mind you, all Sheila really wanted after kidnapping Ridge (then Ronn Moss) on his and Brooke’s South American honeymoon in 2003 was for him to behave long enough for her to collect the ransom from Mojo and vamoose with his daughter, Diana.</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (18)

Image: Aaron Montgomery/JPI


<p>… and then there’s whatever possessed Sheila to stalk Lauren all the way back to <em>The Young and the Restless</em>, where she played mind games with the redhead’s unwitting son, Scotty, “haunted” her longtime nemesis and embarked on a new career that would serve her well in future years. Or at least would find her, well, serving in future years.</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (19)

Image: Aaron Montgomery/JPI


<p>That’s right, folks. It was during her Genoa City homecoming that Sheila stuck on a rubber nose, chomped down on some fake teeth, pulled out her best Eliza Doolittle accent and passed herself off as Jennifer Mitchell, the worst waitress ever to take an order at Gina’s.</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (20)

Image: Aaron Montgomery/JPI (3)


<p>It seemed like old times when Sheila crashed Lauren’s honeymoon with Michael Baldwin and started one of the knock-down, drag-out fights for which they are so well-known. But that was just the appetizer course, as far as the madwoman was concerned. It was the entree that would really be…</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (21)

Image: Aaron Montgomery/JPI


<p>Sheila’s master plan? Kidnap Lauren and blow her up along with accomplice du jour “Terrible Tom” Fisher. The results of that master plan? Kevin’s father nearly turned the tables on his treacherous lover, who was lucky to make it out of the harebrained scheme with a pulse. Naturally, she was so relieved that she began…</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (22)

Image: Aaron Montgomery/JPI


<p>Specifically, Phyllis Summers’ life. Never one to count her blessings, Sheila underwent extensive plastic surgery to turn herself into a replica of Nick Newman’s then-wife, all to once again perturb Lauren. When the co*ckamamie plot, as they all do, went up in smoke, Sheila was said to be really, most sincerely dead. Mm-hmm, and if you believed that, you probably also think you’re the proud owner of a certain bridge in Brooklyn.</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (23)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>In 2017, Sheila turned up on<em> The Bold and the Beautiful</em> again, not just alive but with her old face. (Mmkay… ) Though she insisted that she wanted to make up for past wrongs — how exactly would one go about <em>un</em>-trying to kill people? — she was greeted with the tawny L.A. version of pitchforks and torches: skeptical looks and fireplace pokers.</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (24)

Image: Jill Johnson/JPI


<p>Eric made it clear the distance that he wanted his former wife to keep. But c’mon, we all know what a sucker he is. In the time that it takes Brooke to swap spouses, he’d let Sheila become a thorn in the side of new wife Quinn Fuller and as big a threat to their marriage as the missus’ makeout sessions with Ridge.</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (25)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI (3)


<p>Over and over, Sheila found herself asking that very question. And over and over, we found ourselves pointing to pictures like these as the answer. The only thing that had changed was Sheila’s punching bag. Instead of wailing on Lauren, it was Quinn who came running anytime she heard a can of whupass being opened.</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (26)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>Sheila may never get her painting hung above the Forrester fireplace for longer than it takes to snap a selfie, but in the summer of 2021, the Il Gardino waitress turned up again with something that she’d never had before: a blood tie to the Forresters, courtesy of her surprise son, Steffy’s fiancé, “Finn” Finnegan. Maybe now she’d be able to straighten up and fly right. Sure, and maybe <em>this</em> would be the time that Brooke and Ridge’s marriage lasted!</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (27)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>After revealing herself as Steffy’s new monster-in-law, Sheila was stunned, positively <em>stunned</em>, not to be welcomed into the Forrester clan with open arms. But she told herself that if Taylor Hayes could rise from the dead after she’d killed her, anything was possible. So the busy bee set about replacing nemesis Brooke’s nonalcoholic champagne with <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Folgers Crystals</span> real bubbly as part of a bonkers scheme to reunite Taylor with Ridge and win a spot in the family’s Christmas portraits forevermore. Hey, it made sense to her.</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (28)

Image: CBS screenshot (2)


<p>As word spread that Brooke hadn’t fallen off the wagon but had been pushed, Steffy made it clear for the umpteenth time that Sheila was never going to play any role in Finn’s life except that of a distant memory. Reacting poorly, Mommie Dearest whipped out a gun, intent on making her son a widower. But instead, Finn showed up just in time to take the bullet that Sheila had hoped would put Steffy in an early grave. D’oh!</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (29)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>As quickly as Sheila was arrested, she broke out of jail and discovered that rumors of Finn’s death had been greatly exagerrated. So she hastened rival mom Li Finnegan’s demise — or so she thought — and cast herself and Finn in their own version of <em>Misery</em>. What she hadn’t counted on was just how poorly he was going to react to her shooting spree, not to mention his desire to throttle her on his way toward reuniting with Steffy.</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (30)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>Reminding us that there’s no length “toe” which she won’t go to avoid paying for her crimes, Sheila faked her own death — yes, <em>again</em> — strapped on her finest Connie Britton wig and seduced her latest lust object, Deacon Sharpe. Understandably, he was horrified to discover what he had done — and <em>who</em>. But that was nothing compared to his upset at being informed that, whether he wanted one or not, he now had a roommate.</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (31)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>Fickle much? As into Deacon as Sheila had seemed to be, somewhere along the line, she apparently had made a side piece of Bill Spencer. Erm, how? Why? Well, since neither of his standby ex-wives would take him back — and he’d never heard of Tinder — he saw as his only option hooking up with the local homicidal maniac. Or so we <em>thought</em>.</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (32)

Image: CBS screenshot


<p>After accepting Bill’s marriage proposal, Sheila let him talk her into confessing to the murder of Lance Day. (<a href="" target="_blank">Remember him?</a>) But as soon as the words had passed her lips, her new fiancé revealed that his house was bugged, and rather than the honeymoon suite, she was headed for prison. Enraged, Sheila lunged at Bill, totally missed him — great reflexes on that guy! — and… Yup. Off the balcony, she went.</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (33)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>After a few months in the clink, Sheila paid a visit to the <em>Crazy People’s Court</em>, where a judge who looked an awful lot like <em>Young & Restless</em> sicko David Kimble muttered some “legal” mumbo jumbo that amounted to “Never mind how many people in this very room you’ve shot. You’re free to go, ma’am. Don’t forget to get your parking validated.”</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (34)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>Sheila’s release was a good news, bad news scenario of the first order. Bad, because it sent her straight into Finn’s arms for the awkwardest hug ever — <em>and</em> one that was caught on video by Steffy’s newly <em>re</em>-besotted ex, Liam Spencer. Good, because, being as stalkeriffic as Sheila is, she was on hand to go all <em>Baywatch</em> when Finn nearly let stepdaughter Kelly drown at the beach.</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (35)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>Demonstrating all the common sense possessed by a dust bunny, Deacon not only proposed to Sheila, he hired her at Il Giardino. Because who <em>doesn’t</em> want their pizza served to them by the tabloid sensation that shot two people in the alley of that very restaurant? Despite having said that she had access to a fortune, Sheila was as happy as a clam waiting tables. If only… sigh. If only she could hang around with Finn.</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (36)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI (3)


<p>Clearly, Sheila needed a reminder that she couldn’t hang around Finn or, for that matter, go near <em>anyone</em> about whom Steffy cared. Luckily, Finn’s wife was only too ready to provide this reminder after the mother-in-law from hell made the mistake of approaching Kelly while she was on a playdate. Also luckily, Finn and Deacon were on hand to break up the brawl; otherwise, it might never have ended.</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (37)

Image: CBS screenshot


<p>Pushed not just to the edge but over it, Sheila stalked Steffy to her home with every intention of putting an end to their feud by putting an end to her daughter-in-law. But the joke was on Sheila when Steffy grabbed a knife and took a stab at ridding the world of her personal nightmare.</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (38)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>Attendance at Sheila’s memorial service was… eh, we’ll be generous and say <em>sparse</em>. But maybe that was for the best since, no sooner had Deacon accompanied “her” body to the crematorium than he discovered that the stiff had 10 toes, not nine. Obviously, <a href="" target="_blank">it was you-know-who who had died</a> and not Sheila.</p>

Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (39)

Image: CBS screenshot


<p>After getting Lauren to teach a crash course in all things Sugar — aka the onetime accomplice that Sheila made over in her image — Deacon recruited Finn to play amateur detective with him. Turned out, they were naturals. In no time, they had found Sheila unconscious and in desperate need of a manicure in an abandoned building.</p>

Be Afraid… Be Very Afraid: Young & Restless/Bold & Beautiful Crossover Teases an ‘Unstoppable’ Team-Up (2024)


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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.