Feng Shui Eight Mansions: House Kua Destiny, Basics, Conflicts (2024)

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As we are all aware, determining the precise location for your home or business is pivotal in terms of harnessing and inviting favorable qi flow into the space. One particularly noteworthy system within the realm of Feng Shui is the house gua (kua), Ba Zhai, or 8 Mansion system, which stems from the San Yuan school.

Alongside the Flying Star method, it stands as one of the most frequently employed and widely embraced practices in Feng Shui. For those who are well-versed in the Flying Star system and endeavor to superimpose the “House Gua” or 8 Mansion approach, a common dilemma arises: Conflicting Outcomes.

One system may declare a certain area to be highly auspicious, while the other system might deem it less favorable. In such a case, the question that looms is: Which system should one place their faith in?

Within the confines of this article, I aim to delve into the application of the house gua 8 Mansion system, shed light on the controversies it presents, and provide insights into how this system can be employed effectively as a standalone approach or in conjunction with the Flying Star system, all without generating conflicting results.

The 8 Mansion or House Gua concept revolves around the notion of the 8 wandering stars, or gua qi’s. Among these, four encompass auspicious attributes, while the remaining four carry inauspicious qualities.

The underlying theory posits that these wandering stars are allocated to the eight cardinal compass directions (e.g., south, north, etc.). Consequently, each individual or dwelling, based on its orientation or birth date, possesses its own distinct set of auspicious and adverse directions.

Personal Compatibility with Home Gua

The notion of personal Gua compatibility with a dwelling (house gua or 8 Mansion) is a captivating yet pivotal side of the practice of Feng Shui, centered on the art of harmoniously pairing a home with a specific group of individuals whose energies align with it seamlessly.

This concept transcends the mere physical arrangement and architectural design of a house, delving into the intricate realm of an individual’s distinctive, but invisible, energetic imprint from the moment of birth.

In much the same way that each residence (house gua in Ba Zhai) possesses its own unique energy blueprint, so too do individuals (life gua) harbor their distinctive energy signatures, and comprehending the intricate interplay of these energies can wield profound influence over one’s state of well-being, happiness, prosperity, and overall quality of life within the house.

In this exploration, we shall unveil the pivotal factors and principles that empower individuals not only to make their homes of charming allure but also to cultivate and consider all the revitalizing energy sources to nourish all the family members.

In addition to the life gua or personal destiny number, there are eight distinct house gua types that are determined by the orientation or sitting direction of a structure.

The optimal approach is to align the personal and house gua to harness the most beneficial and favorable universal qi.

This article primarily emphasizes the importance of the 8 mansion principles, but it’s crucial to recognize that both the personal and house gua are interconnected and influence each other.

Please read here more about the personal life Kua number system

Family Members belong to different groups?

This is a common situation where family members belong to different groups, and often there are questions about whom to prioritize.

Typically, the primary breadwinner in the household receives the most support.

However, in cases where, for example, both partners earn equal incomes, the primary focus should shift towards the overall health and well-being of all occupants. Therefore, a compromise becomes necessary to find a middle ground that benefits everyone involved.

Prioritize Flying Star or 8 Mansions (Ba Zhai)?

Despite the fact that the principles of flying stars and the 8 mansion system share the same main school, they frequently present conflicting guidance. A comprehensive explanation for advanced readers is provided towards the end of the article, where I highlight potential conflicts between both systems.

In general, priority is given to the flying star Qi and form school when it comes to the occupation of different sections within the home.

However, the 8 mansion system serves as a valuable complement by optimizing the selection of doorways for entry as well as determining ideal directions for sleeping and working, adding a unique and beneficial dimension to the overall approach.

Consideration: Entrance

The alignment of the main entrance with an individual’s personal Ming Gua number can have significant implications. For instance, consider a Zhen person (life gua 3) whose main entrance is located in the south section, symbolizing the presence of highly auspicious Sheng Qi energy.

Furthermore, the extension of the living and dining areas into the East and Southeast sections fosters an environment supportive of relationships and harmony within the household. However, a potential conflict might arise when the house itself belongs to the West Gua type, which suggests that these sections may not be as auspicious.

The question that naturally emerges is: which holds greater significance, the house’s gua or the individual’s personal gua? Additionally, the influence of flying star energy and the overall environmental conditions at the front door cannot be underestimated, as they play a crucial role in determining the home’s overall energy dynamics.

The front door acts as the “Qi Mouth,” drawing in external auspicious energy. If form is incorrect or there is an imbalance in yin-yang energies, the overall energy within the home may not be favorable.

Now, let’s imagine the same house with its entrance facing the West sector, featuring the flying star combination 3-6, while the house Gua indicates Tien Yi, associated with good health. However, the flying star pairing tells a different story. Star 3 is under attack from metal star 6, an unfavorable configuration.

Furthermore, if the individual entering is male, this pairing becomes even more inauspicious, suggesting that star 6, representing the father figure, is constantly dominating star 3, symbolizing the eldest son. This conflict can potentially lead to rebellious behavior in the son.

In the grand scheme of things, the flying star energies typically take precedence over the Gua Qi, but it’s advisable to bear the Gua Qi in mind during a home audit.

Consideration: Sleeping Directions

Let’s take again, a Zhen person (life gua 3), for illustration purposes, the ideal sleeping direction is oriented toward the east. It is highly recommended to align the bed in such a way that the person sleeps with their head pointing in an eastward direction.

Conversely, it is advisable to avoid the SW1 direction, which is associated with the Zodiac sign of the goat and corresponds to the individual’s “draining direction.” Sleeping in this draining direction can lead to a depletion of energy, resulting in overall lethargy and diminished enjoyment.

Moreover, the east sections of the house are particularly favorable for the bedroom, especially when considering the auspicious flying star arrangements that may enhance the overall energy within this section.

Consideration: Home Office

The optimal placement for a home office should coincide with the most auspicious wealth direction within the house. In the case of a Zhen individual, this direction corresponds to the south section.

Additionally, it is beneficial for the person to access the office through the south section (the small Tai Ji) and arrange the office desk so that it faces the south direction. This arrangement ensures that the individual sits at the desk with their back oriented to the north while working and facing the desk in a southerly way.

It is essential to ensure that the implementation of Feng Shui principles does not compromise the flow of energy or practicality. It’s worth remembering that Feng Shui is intended to simplify and improve one’s life, not make it more complex.

8 Wandering Qi’s in Feng Shui 8 Mansions

The four auspicious qi, comprising their respective attributes of name, elemental affiliation, polarity, and heavenly stars, are as follows in order of most auspicious (100%) to good (65%):

  • Sheng Qi – Wood, Yang, Greedy Wolf (The breath of life and most auspicious qi)
    Quality of Qi/Degree of Luck: 100% (most auspicious)
  • Yan Nian – Metal, Yang, Military Arts (Qi for longevity and supports good relationship)
    Quality of Qi/Degree of Luck: 90% (auspicious)
  • Tien Yi – Earth, Yang, Hugh Door (Qi to improve and support one’s health)
    Quality of Qi/Degree of Luck: 75% (very good)
  • Fu Wei – Wood, Yin, Left & Right Assistance (harmony and stability qi)
    Quality of Qi/Degree of Luck: 65% (good)

The four adverse Qi characteristics associated with the wandering stars in the 8 Mansion system in order of bad (50%) to most hostile (10%) are:

  • Huo Hai – Earth, Yin, Rewards (it is often called the laziness Qi as the person lacks energy and motivation for anything
    Quality of Qi/Degree of Luck: 50% (bad)
  • Liu Sha – Water, Yang, Literary Arts (or six killing causes various misshapes in life creating conflicts and struggle)
    Quality of Qi/Degree of Luck: 40% (worse)
  • Wu Gui – Fire, Yin, Chastity (Five Ghosts is associated with violence, robbery, theft
    Quality of Qi/Degree of Luck: 30% (worst)
  • Jue Ming – Metal, Yin, Broken Soldier (The most inauspicious qi, with the potential to manifest as mental illness and impact one’s overall well-being.
    Quality of Qi/Degree of Luck: 10% (hostile)

I believe the brief description above requires minimal introduction, as it is widely recognized even at a beginner’s level. However, what remains relatively obscure is the fact that each of the aforementioned Qi characteristics is linked to inherent elements, polarities, and heavenly stars.

The Basic 8 Mansions approach

Feng Shui Eight Mansions: House Kua Destiny, Basics, Conflicts (1)

Note: The table above enables you to conveniently align your life gua number with various house types, taking into account the varying degrees of luck. The quality of Qi/Degree of Luck ranges from 100% (very auspicious) to 65% (good) and from 50% (bad) to 10% (hostile).

It’s important to consider that you can choose any of the 65% to 100% house gua types depending on your specific circ*mstances. For example, a young, working individual may prefer Sheng Qi (100%), while a retired person seeking a more peaceful life might find Tien Yi (75%) or Jue Ming (65%) more suitable.

Determine the House Kua Trigram

Upon finding your house gua match, the most straightforward and easiest way to apply the principles of the 8 Mansion School is to begin by calculating the positions of the 8 wandering stars and then assigning them to specific directional sections based on the gua house type.

It is then asserted that the entire section corresponding to these directions is either auspicious, as it hosts the benevolent Qi, or inauspicious, as these sections hold unfavorable Qi. This simplified approach serves as a distilled version of more complex techniques and principles.

In the ancient texts, there was no reference to “sections” but rather emphasized “directions.” In a modern context, this pertains to the doorway, specifically the exterior door, and an entire house. In ancient texts, the terminology used was “door,” “house,” or “room.”

However, it’s important to recognize that we are discussing ancient emperor palaces, where numerous smaller dwellings were scattered within the palace walls. This leads us to introduce the concept of “The original Eight Mansions Formula.”

The energy settings of the universe’s star alignments at birth determined the unique celestial Qi, or DNA imprint, that each human possesses. Regardless of gender, every person falls into either the West or East group. This concept may seem novel to many, but allow me to clarify.

For an East Group individual, the auspicious sectors and directions encompass the north, south, east, and southeast, while a West Group person finds favor in the cardinal directions of northwest, southwest, west, and northeast.

In terms of house gua, the critical areas of focus include the main entrance, bedroom, and stove location.

Fundamentally, it is advised that an East person reside in an East-type house and a West person reside in a West-type dwelling to maximize the benefits.

The personal and house ming gua are static and do not change over time. Here is a list of all the house Kua trigrams, organized according to their distinct sitting and facing directions.

Kan House (Faces South, Sits North)

Facing South: 157.5˚ – 202.5˚/ Sitting North: 337.5˚ – 22.5˚

Feng Shui Eight Mansions: House Kua Destiny, Basics, Conflicts (2)

Li House (Faces North, Sits South)

Facing North: 337.5˚ – 22.5˚ / Sitting South: 157.5˚ – 202.5˚

Feng Shui Eight Mansions: House Kua Destiny, Basics, Conflicts (3)

Kun House (Faces NE, Sits SW)

Facing Northeast: 22.5˚ – 67.5˚ / Sitting Southwest: 202.5˚ – 247.5˚

Feng Shui Eight Mansions: House Kua Destiny, Basics, Conflicts (4)

Dui house (Faces East, Sits West)

Facing East: 67.5˚ – 112.5˚ / Sitting West: 247.5˚ – 292.5˚

Feng Shui Eight Mansions: House Kua Destiny, Basics, Conflicts (5)

Qian House (Faces SE, Sits NW)

Facing Southeast: 112.5˚ – 157.5˚ / Sitting Northwest: 292.5˚ – 337.5˚

Feng Shui Eight Mansions: House Kua Destiny, Basics, Conflicts (6)

Gen House (Faces SW, Sits NE)

Facing Southwest: 202.5˚– 247.5˚ / Sitting:Northeast: 22.5˚ – 67.5˚

Feng Shui Eight Mansions: House Kua Destiny, Basics, Conflicts (7)

Zhen House (Faces West, Sits East)

Facing West: 247.5˚ – 292.5˚/ Sitting East: 67.5˚ – 112.5˚

Feng Shui Eight Mansions: House Kua Destiny, Basics, Conflicts (8)

Xun house (Faces NW, Sits SE)

Facing Northwest: 292.5˚ – 337.5˚/ Sitting Southeast: 112.5˚ – 157.5˚

Feng Shui Eight Mansions: House Kua Destiny, Basics, Conflicts (9)

How to use all the information learned so far?

In summary, it is advisable to have your most vital living spaces, including the front door, living room, bedroom, and office, within one of the most auspicious gua qi areas. Less significant areas, such as laundry rooms and rarely used guest bedrooms, can be situated in less favorable sections.

Now, you have the capability to overlay the different gua qi onto your floorplan, enabling you to discern its direct impact on the well-being of those inhabiting these spaces.

Advanced 8 Mansions in Feng Shui Methods

Feng Shui Eight Mansions: House Kua Destiny, Basics, Conflicts (10)

The aforementioned method represents a highly simplified approach for beginners in the context of the 8 Mansions application.

For those readers who wish to explore more extensively beyond the topic of the distribution of destiny house kua qi, here are some more advanced strategies within the realm of Bha Zhai.

The purple star method – a sync of eight mansions and flying star

In certain scenarios, both systems can convey concealed insights to the occupants. This approach is referred to as the Purple Star method, where the house gua number and the annual flying star are integrated into each palace to discern their supporting or dominating relationships. Here is a concise outline of the procedure:

Initially, we must establish the house trigram of the permanent energy chart of the home, based upon house sitting direction (see trigrams above).

Both the house and individuals are categorized into two distinct groups: the West Group and the East Group. The East Group encompasses those situated in the North, South, East, and Southeast directions, whereas the West Group includes those positioned in the West, Southwest, Northwest, and Northeast directions.

Let’s consider a Gen house as an example, sitting in the Northeast and facing the Southwest. The sitting palace of this Gen house is linked with gua 2 (natal chart). Now, we position this gua 2 at the center of an empty Luo Shu square and allow the other natal stars to float in all directions.

Subsequently, we now allow the annual flying stars to permeate each palace and carefully observe the elemental interactions between them to discern whether they exhibit a supportive or dominating connection. This practice provides practitioners with valuable hints and deeper insights into how qi behaves within crucial spaces, such as the front door or bedroom, for the occupants.

To illustrate the utility of the Purple Star method, here are two brief examples:

Firstly, when there is a specific alignment of supporting gua and annual energy in areas like the bedroom, front door, and kitchen, the house can become a “baby maker” for the year. For couples desiring to have children, this method harnesses the unseen energies to work in their favor.

Additionally, there is another application known as the “Money Maker Year,” during which the house transforms into a money-generating powerhouse for the year. For instance, a Gen house experiences its next “money maker” year in 2025 and subsequently every nine years thereafter.

The 8-Mansions Bright Mirror Method

In this eight mansions method, the fundamental principle stipulates that the palace is invariably considered internal, while the visiting gua’s heavenly stars are consistently regarded as external.

To implement this approach, we commence by creating a luo shu square, meticulously incorporating all associated trigrams, polarities, and elemental attributes. Subsequently, we examine the specific Gua to which the home is aligned and then position the 8 wandering stars (e.g., Sheng Qi, Tian Yi) into their designated palaces.

If, during this process, we observe that the Palace enhances the Star, the Star enhances the Palace, or there exists a mutual support of elements (i.e., they are identical), it signifies that a positive Star retains its positive influence.

Here, in summary, are the key takeaways of the theory:

  • When the qi’s heavenly stars of the gua foster growth or mutual support, the element of the palace trigram, the overall energy remains positive.
  • Conversely, if an adverse gua qi enters a palace with a contrasting polarity, it negatively impacts the family member associated with that palace. For instance, if Wu Gui (Fire, Yin) enters the North (Kan) palace, which has a Yang polarity, the middle son experiences adverse effects.
  • Regrettably, this system fails to account for other scenarios, such as when similar polarities encounter either positive or negative qi and palace elements.

In another classical text on the Physiognomy of Dwellings, the theory is slightly differently interpreted:

The auspicious energy from celestial bodies like Sheng Qi, Tien Yi, and Yan Nian can have different effects on family members, either good or bad, depending on how their respective domains are aligned with the elements in the specific palace.

Conversely, the malevolent forces associated with stars like Jue Ming and Wu Gui have a detrimental impact on the eldest son, while Liu Sha exerts its negative influence on the middle son, and Huo Hai adversely affects the youngest son. According to the guiding principles, these star energies are most harmonious when they maintain a harmonious and constructive relationship with the palaces they occupy.

The inherent paradox lies in the absence of any clarification within this system regarding the consequences when negative stars exhibit supportiveness or foster productive connections with the designated domains.

In summary, this system provides only a partial glimpse into potential outcomes, leaving the broader picture and comprehensive scenario uncharted.

A different Hong Kong Master Viewpoint on Ba Zhai

Every star undergoes distinct transformations upon entering a specific palace, based upon the interaction between the two elemental forces of palace and qi involved. This can either bolster or diminish the star’s positive or negative characteristics. In this dynamic, the palace always plays the role of the host, while the visiting wandering star assumes the role of the guest.

For instance, consider Tien Yi, an earth-element energy of a Gen house. When it enters the NW palace, governed by the metal element, its positive attributes are diminished due to metal’s capacity to control earth. It’s important to note that even in such scenarios, the positive nature of Tien Yi does not turn negative, just as a negative star can never become positive even when placed in a supportive palace.

This elemental interplay can be applied to all palaces to assess the strength of each of the 8-Mansion’s Wandering Stars within each palace, taking into account the house gua type.

However, a contradiction arises with the Purple Star destiny analysis, which suggests that a negative star can indeed undergo mitigation and manifest favorable traits in a supportive palace, while the converse holds true when a star enters a non-supportive palace, potentially causing even more harm.

Taiwanese Feng Shui Masters Approach

Taiwanese Feng Shui Masters delve into the intricacies of elemental dynamics, giving due consideration to the essential concept of yin and yang polarity in 8 Mansions. To illustrate, when both the palace and wandering stars align as either yin or yang, the overall polarity remains the same.

In such cases, if a yang palace accommodates a yang wandering star with clashing elements, there is no need to scrutinize the elemental interactions. This alignment is referred to as “Palace and Star walking the same path.” However, when the polarities differ, such as a yin palace hosting a yang star, one must carefully assess the interaction of elements.

The fundamental question that arises is whether the palace countering the star is preferable or less favorable than the reverse scenario.

Scenario 1: In the case of Palace countering Star, a less favorable situation occurs when the host (palace) seems to confront its guest (visiting star).

Scenario 2: In case of Star countering Palace, the second less favorable situation emerges when the guest (star) appears to challenge the palace (host). Consequently, for the star to prevail, its energy must be exceptionally potent to overpower the strong host.

A point of contention among many Feng Shui Masters revolves around the behavior of negative stars when they are in a supportive relationship with the palace. This aspect remains ambiguous in classical texts. The Purple Star method suggests that a negative star entering a palace in a productive relationship is likely to exhibit fewer negative attributes.

Evidently, there exist various perspectives within the practitioner community regarding how to navigate the complexities of elemental and polarity relationships. For those seeking to delve deeper into the advanced realm of 8 Mansions Feng Shui, it can be highly beneficial to explore alternative approaches and put them to the test in real audit settings to determine their validity or potential disregard.

Original Eight Mansions Formula (Chou Shu/Door Opening Method)

Stephen Skinner’s book provides a comprehensive explanation of how the 8 Mansions and the Flying Star schools can complement each other effectively when one grasps the distinctions between these two systems. As previously mentioned, when we employ the Flying Star school for analyzing internal sections and combine it with the 8 Mansion’s primary focus on doorways, pathways, and gates, a harmonious synergy emerges.

The original formula of the 8 Mansions offers valuable insights into how an occupant can navigate and utilize specific auspicious pathways to access the property and the home within the context of the 24 mountains.

The key difference lies in the purpose: while we utilize Flying Stars when considering the occupation of a section, the original 8 Mansions formula serves the purpose of guiding passages and gateways.

The original version does not encompass interior doors or the micro-management of 8 Mansion Qi for individual rooms. Additionally, each of the 24 mountain’s original 8 Mansions formulas describes specific winding pathways, indicating from which direction one should enter the home.

This approach allows us to discern the influence that each pathway exerts on the occupants, particularly as they approach the front door.

In conclusion, this formula, which predates the “Eight Mansion Bright Mirror,” exclusively concerns the directions of exterior doors or house entrances leading into the home. It never makes any reference to “interior rooms” whatsoever in a modern context.

Controversies of the Eight Mansions

There are several reasons why the Eight Mansions or Eight Houses system can coexist harmoniously with the Xuan Kong Flying Star system. However, these exceptional cases require meticulous filtering to prevent the overlap of both systems, which could lead to perplexing and contradictory results.

It is advisable to either concentrate on one system exclusively or draw valuable insights from the other system without causing conflicts.

Numerous practitioners endorse the Ba Zhai system, with some adhering to its simplest form and others incorporating it into other systems. Each practitioner brings their own unique approach to the table.

The absence of the original text from the system’s founder, Yi Xing, formerly known as “Destroying the Barbarian Classic,” contributes to the proliferation of diverse interpretations of Ba Zhai.

This variation is one of the reasons why every scholar studying Yi’s school injects their own perspective into the context. Consequently, numerous assumptions have been made throughout history, leading to a multitude of interpretations today.

Different practitioners may assert that their specific version works effectively for their clients, yet neither proof nor disproof of such claims can be provided. Ultimately, simpler systems such as the most basic “house gua” or the “BTB Black Hat School” that are easy to comprehend without delving deeply into their historical background tend to be more successful in modern society.

Conversely, complex systems demand considerably more effort to understand the rationale behind specific practices, delving into why certain things are executed in a particular manner and not otherwise.

Here are some of the most common challenges encountered:

Time Factor:

The primary controversy that emerges revolves around the absence of a time factor. The Eight Mansion System is a fixed framework in which the eight houses are overlaid onto a floor plan based on the precise sitting orientation of the home.

This implies that the four auspicious sectors and the four inauspicious star Qi sectors remain static and do not evolve over time. In contrast, the Flying Star system operates with a dynamic flow of qi. Naturally, the question arises regarding who is correct and who is mistaken in this matter.

Feng Shui Master Jiang Da Hong vehemently argued that qi must undergo changes and, consequently, the Eight Mansions system must be flawed. Of course, there is a substantial modern-day follower base that firmly believes in the efficacy of this system.

To shed light on this debate, it is worth revisiting the ancient texts of Emperor Xuan Zong of the Tang Dynasty, who devised a “decoy system” deliberately filled with misleading information to confound his neighboring enemies.

The fundamental principles were documented in the original texts of the “Eight Mansion Bright Mirror” and the comprehensive book of Ba Zhai. Unfortunately, the complete text remains lost to this day, which accounts for the numerous conflicting aspects when attempting to analyze the full text.

As I often say, there are multiple paths to achieving a goal, and practitioners who employ Ba Zhai in their practice may simply offer an alternative approach for clients to attain an auspicious qi environment in their homes.

Impractical applications (Door & Oven Tilting):

There are practitioners I’ve come across who suggest tilting the front door or stove at a specific angle to alter the qi hexagram and make it more auspicious than the existing one. This is a widespread practice, seen especially often in Asia. However, it’s crucial to understand that the most significant factor influencing the qi quality upon entering a home is the environmental qi.

From a scientific perspective on qi flow, tilting a door has only a minimal effect. Instead, homeowners should be concerned about the visual bizarreness of a door that looks dislocated and out of place compared to neighboring houses.

Tilting the stove is another commonly employed method to align with a more auspicious qi hexagram. However, one should consider the impracticality of tilting a stove by a few degrees, which may not be feasible for many homeowners, particularly in the Western hemisphere.

This abstract perception can suggest a shift in the fortunes of a place. Since perception is a mindset from the occupants’ point of view, we should not underestimate the intangible influence of willpower, which aligns more with the realm of “Mind Feng Shui” rather than “form or compass Feng Shui.”

Different Water Position Placement

In the Xuan Kong Flying Star system, the opposite direction of the current era’s associated energy is considered the most auspicious placement for water to attract wealth luck. This is primarily because the star 5 yellow, which is located in this direction, needs to be counteracted or blocked with water to enhance positive energies.

Conversely, the 8 Mansions School follows a different approach for water placement. It begins by calculating the Tan Lang star direction based on the home’s facing direction. For instance, if we have a west-facing home with an associated Tan Lang direction of Qian or NW, we then cross-reference NW with the pre-heaven chart, leading us to the conclusion that water should be placed in the south section.

This is where the controversy arises. In the Flying Star system during Period 9, placing water in the South is considered unfavorable as it can potentially have adverse effects on both health and wealth luck.

West vs. East Group Gua

As mentioned earlier, both a house and an individual are categorized into two groups based on the sitting orientation or their birth date. In most cases, an entire family does not belong to a single, specific group.

More commonly, there’s a mixture of East and West-type individuals within a family. This can lead to situations where a house is ideally suited for one person but less favorable for other family members, depending on their personal Ming Gua number.

I’ve heard of cases where people took this system quite seriously, resulting in a husband and wife sleeping with their heads in different directions on the bed. I believe it’s safe to say that most of you agree with me in recognizing that such an arrangement is more likely to aggravate everyone rather than foster harmony within the family.

Those individuals who belong to the West-type category (2, 6, 7, and 8) are linked to the directions of West, Southwest, Northwest, and Northeast. Further, these palaces are characterized by their affiliation with earth and metal elements. Since earth and metal are in a productive cycle according to the Five Element Theory, their energies naturally complement each other.

The East-type person (1, 3, 4, and 9), enjoys its most auspicious direction in North, South, East, and Southeast. The associated elements are wood, water, and fire.

Allow me to provide an example to illustrate when the 8 Mansion system is practical to apply and when it might lead to conflicts.

For instance, consider a Li person with a Ming Gua number of 9, corresponding to the south palace. Such an individual can reside comfortably in a Xun or Zhen house type, both of which are influenced by the wood element. Wood, as it generates fire, aligns harmoniously with the person’s inherent fire element associated with the Ming Gua 9.

The previous example is relatively straightforward, but let’s delve into a more complex scenario. The same person, indicating that he resides in a Li house type. In this case, we need to assess whether a Li house is genuinely suitable for him.

A look at his Bazi Chinese birth chart will give some more insight. If this individual has a strong fire element in his Bazi, residing in a Li house could potentially introduce an excess of “fire” energy, which may result in temper-related issues.

Conversely, for someone with a weak fire element in their Bazi, living in a Li house can serve as a means to fortify this element and bring it into balance.

Female vs. Male Ming Gua (Kua number)

This is perhaps one of the most misleading and erroneous ideas ever propagated. Why should a female have a distinct Ming Gua number from a male when they share the exact same birth date?

Imagine looking at male and female twins born under the zodiac sign of the Ox. It’s evident that people wouldn’t question whether the girl should have a different zodiac sign from the boy. Similarly, it’s a misconception in the Ming Gua system that males and females should have different Ming Gua numbers.

I’m still puzzled as to why this notion hasn’t been questioned more thoroughly and has been accepted without scrutiny. To debunk this myth, we need to travel back in time and understand that scholars deliberately disseminated incorrect information to the uneducated general public.

A monk named Yi Xing developed the Ba Zhai school around a thousand years after the Flying Star system, with the Form School being even older. In this particular case, the highly literate monk was entrusted with the task of creating a system that was intentionally leaked to the enemies of the Chinese Emperor, the Mongols.

When the Mongols obtained this system, they believed they had acquired a magical key to overpower the Chinese Emperor. Little did they know that it was a false system, although it appeared highly authentic, ultimately leading to their decisive defeat. This historical event is documented in texts known as the “Feng Shui Classics for the Barbarians.”

House Gua vs. Life Gua Number

This presents yet another intriguing aspect to explore: which application should take precedence, the house Gua or the personal Gua? It’s a complex matter with no easy answers, particularly considering that a family often comprises a mix of both East and West groups. In this context, a house might be supportive for one family member but potentially unsupportive to others.

Some might argue that we should prioritize the house Gua, but what if it conflicts with the Flying Star system, which holds greater importance in terms of specific sectors that individuals occupy? On the other hand, favoring the personal Gua alone could lead to complications, especially when a couple has conflicting groups within the household.

As you can observe, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Additionally, the layout of the house is typically fixed and not easily altered. Therefore, my personal approach involves initially considering the Flying Star system. If feasible and beneficial, I then incorporate the house Gua and personal Gua when it aligns logically and does not disrupt the lives of the residents.


Upon completing this extensive introductory article on the 8-Mansion System, it becomes apparent that numerous conflicts are intertwined within its framework. Many 8 Mansions practitioners acknowledge the existence of various interpretations and incorporate them into their analysis, striving for a more comprehensive approach.

It is best to concentrate primarily on one school and selectively integrate certain principles into one’s practice to avoid conflicts.

Renowned author Stephen Skinner suggested in one of his books that the Flying Star and 8 Mansion systems can coexist harmoniously if one comprehends the distinctions between them.

Both systems fall under the San Yuan school, but it’s unavoidable to recognize their distinct focuses:

The Flying Star system primarily revolves around specific sections that individuals “occupy,” whereas the 8 Mansion system is primarily concerned with the influence of the “incoming Qi” on the structure itself.

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Feng Shui Eight Mansions: House Kua Destiny, Basics, Conflicts (2024)


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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.