Session Fifty-Two — World of Warcraft: Redux (2024)

Appearing Characters: Ariesera, Ash'alah, Belysra Starbreeze, Elissa Cross, Fandral Staghelm, Hamuul Runetotem, Illidan Stormrage, Istaria Staghelm, Jarod Shadowsong, Jen'zak, Lunara, Maiev Shadowsong, Maraad, Morra Starbreeze, Naielle, Qiana Moonshadow, Remnii, Remulos, Samaara, Seria, Shandris Feathermoon, Tichondrius, Tol'vas Moonshadow, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, Ylyssia Moonshadow, Zen'tabra, Zevrax

August 17th

As the battle rages on, a satyr rushes at Vel, but she is able to deflect his horn aside. As he slashes with his scythe, she parries the blow–unfazed by the strike. Meanwhile, another satyr darts around Tol’vas and clips Remnii with his hand scythe.

However, despite the fact the tides seemed to be turning, the satyrs regroup and try one last push to take the group down. A satyr trickster uses [Hideous Laughter], but Uther and Vel are completely unaffected. Another satyr starts to claw and slash at Seria.

Morra takes Zevrax’s hand and slices it off, as well as the rest of his arm. She shoves him down, and he howls in a great amount of pain–completely incapacitated.

The fey dragon flits around overhead and uses its bewildering breath on the trio of satyrs around Seria.

Ash'alah charges at the satyr trickster that was a distance away, barreling her to the ground and managing to pin the trickster to the ground. The trickster uses [Mirror Image] and tries to flee. Uther shatters one of her images.

A satyr shadowdancer runs at Remnii and manages to catch her in the side with a surge of darkness. Tol’vas uses [Roar] and then carves into the shadowdancer that had just engaged with Remnii.

Vel’s fangs wreathe with magenta energy as she homes in on the incapacitated satyr again and drives her fangs into his throat, the satyr gurgling as the pretty colors of the hypnotic pattern are suddenly interrupted. She drives her blade into his side at the same time.

One of the other tricksters slashes at Seria--knocking her out of her wildshape. Remnii, however, drops antimagic shell and instead casts [Spirit Guardians]. Elissa dives further into the aura to engage with another one of the satyrs.

Seria spins her staff and brings it down as it transforms into a [Thorn Whip], which strikes the nearest satyr and knocks him back into the spirit guardians. There is a bright flash of light that surges through the demon.

Uther jumps off Ash'alah and runs back into the fray to attack the satyr behind Vel. With a bright flash of Light, the satyr bursts and dissipates.

Morra sheaths her sword and grabs two of the satyrs still outside the spirit guardians and drags them into the aura. Suddenly, there is a roar from above and a chimera swoops down--breathing a swathe of acid on one of the remaining satyrs. Vel leaps on him and drives her blade into his side with a hiss.

Uther brings his hammer down on another satyr and it bursts into dust as he swings his hammer around into another. The fey dragon swoops down to flank the satyr Vel had engaged with, nipping at him as he swears audibly. Meanwhile, Ash'alah pounces on the saytr trickster she had engaged with--breaking another mirror image. The trickster uses [Phantasmal Force] in response, and the tiger roars in pain as she seems to be fighting off something unseen.

Realizing he’s doomed, the satyr shadowdancer tries to tear Remnii down with him. However, she stands her ground as another trickster is destroyed by the spirit guardians. Another satyr knocks Remnii down.

Doomed Satyr says: If I’m dying I’m taking you with me, bitch!

He tries to bring his scythe down on her, but his weapon is blocked by Elissa’s shield. Tol’vas sweeps him up in his jaws and swallows him. He then leaps over the group to cut off the fleeing trickster’s escape.

Elissa darts around Remnii and knocks the satyr just outside the spirit guardians prone, only to get hit with Seria’s thorn whip. Remnii gets her spiritual weapon in position and with a powerful swing destroys one of the remaining satyrs.

Vel drives her blade into the prone satyr--killing him--before flipping around to the trickster and shattering her remaining mirror image. Ash'alah comes running up as Tol’vas pins the trickster down, and together they tear her apart. Remnii looks away as her spirit guardians finish off the last satyr.

Uther looks at the dying Zevrax.

Uther Menethil says: Tell me, demon. Does your kind know love?

Zevrax starts to laugh maniacally.

Zevrax says: How else do you think we ply our trade?

Uther Menethil says: You. Yourself. Do you experience it?

Zevrax says: Don’t worry, human. We’ll be back. You’ll never be rid of us, no matter how hard you try.

Zevrax continues to cackle as he fades away. There is a blast of moonlit energy that ignites his eyes and he screams in agony before he dies.

Morra Starbreeze says: You would do yourself a favor if you deafened yourself to their words.

Uther Menethil says: They speak. They think. They act. Even if ultimately–as a rule–their kind directs their attentions towards the destruction of everything around them, even that bit of understanding yields insight into how to defeat them permanently.

Remnii says: Remember who brought me here. Who led me to you.

Uther’s eyes light up in recognition.

Uther Menethil says: Interesting.

Remnii says: She is an exception. Not the rule.

Uther Menethil says: Things to ponder later. Is anyone hurt?

As the battle finishes, Maraad and various other Vindicators arrive alongside Tol’vas’s aunts and Belysra.

Belysra Starbreeze says: Morra! Elissa! I’m glad you’re alright. We heard the commotion.

Morra Starbreeze says: The situation has been dealt with, but we need to ensure others don’t exacerbate more chaos. Are you all fit to continue on?

Remnii says: We will have to be.

Maraad says: The path leading to the grove should be secure.

He approaches Remnii and puts a hand on her shoulder. There is a gentle glow as he uses lay on hands.

Maraad says: Are you alright?

Remnii says: I will persevere.

Maraad says: I will be right behind you once this place is secure. I do not fear the tricks of demons, but I know what they are capable of.

Elissa Cross says: I’ll watch your back with mom and aunt Bely! We’ll make sure this place doesn’t cause you more problems!

Velameestra Windrunner says: We’ll see you on the other side.

Elissa Cross says: Be safe everyone!

Morra Starbreeze says: May Elune guide your path.

Tol’vas shifts back into his worgen form and they start to run back through the woods. The moon lights their path, and as they emerge from the grove they find themselves in the fortifications around the Well of Eternity. They are close to where Fandral had brought them before, but the guards had been drawn in many different directions.

Vel conjures a [Sleet Storm] over a group of Sentinels to serve as cover as Tol’vas conjures some fey to cause a further distraction. The group rushes past them to continue towards the Temple of Elune. A number of figures are lurking in the darkness, and they can hear a cheering sound that draws their attention.

On the bridge, there is a massive beetle who is fending off a number of Sentinels. At its back is Zen'tabra, and a half a dozen figures close in them–Wardens. Judging by his markings, the beetle is like Jen'zak.

Kaldorei Warden says [darnassian]: Capture them! Don’t let them interfere with the chief Warden!

The warden uses [Hunter's Mark] on Jen'zak and one of her fellows follows up on the opening. There is a flurry of blades that whips around the Wardens as the fey dragon swoops down and uses its bewildering breath--charming one of them. It then turns invisible.

One of the Wardens tries to use [Hold Person] on Zen'tabra, but she is able to resist the spell as she whirls around to block an incoming strike. The bewildered Warden staggers around and throws two daggers, but they both go wide of their targets.

Suddenly a number of arrows come sailing down, and two Sentinels emerge from a cliff face. Remnii casts [Mass Flash of Light], healing her allies.

One of the Wardens tries to use [Hold Person] on Uther, but he resists, and with a frustrated grunt she hurls two daggers at him. One clips him, but the poison is completely ineffective. Meanwhile, another Warden tries to swipe at the invisible fey dragon.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I’ll take care of the archers.

Vel activates her bladesong again and then runs straight up the cliff face to the two arches, flourishing her blade.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Your fight is with me.

Zen'tabra tries to bop one of the Wardens with her staff to get around her, but the Warden clips her in the side.

Zen'tabra says: Ah! That’s gonna smart, mon!

She then casts [Sunbeam], managing to blind three of the Wardens who had conveniently lined themselves up. Tol’vas runs at the nearest Warden and uses [Shillelagh] as he whacks his scythe against the side of her helm.

Jen'zak shoots a stream of acid at the blinded Wardens, but they are able to duck out of the way. However, Ash'alah sees her opening and runs forward, allowing Uther to get solid swings on one of the Wardens.

Seria casts [Moonfire] on one of the blinded Wardens, but it flickers out of the way. Grunting in frustration, Seria casts [Wrath] on the same Warden, which connects.

One of the Wardens tries to disrupt Zen'tabra’s spellcasting, and with a devastating strike the druid’s concentration wavers.

Kaldorei Warden says [darnassian]: Finish them!

The Warden uses [Blink] as she appears on the other side of Ash'alah.

Another Sentinel appears out of the trees next to Vel.

Zen'tabra says: Ya think we done yet? Ah, we just gettin’ started!

Zen’tabra plants her staff in the ground and her arms suddenly transform into serpentine heads, and her head also lengthens as she turns into a three-headed hydra. She bites the nearest Warden while another Warden tries to cast [Hold Person] on Uther. It doesn’t work, and with a curse she swings with her umbral crescent.

Remnii continues to creep forward--getting one of the Wardens in her spirit guardians as she casts [Mind Sliver] at a further Warden.

Hyjal Sentinel says [darnassian]: I’ll handle this one. Provide support to the Watchers.

The Sentinel closest to Vel draws her moonglaive while the Sentinel next to her nod and take some steps back to take shots at Remnii. She succeeds in getting Remnii’s concentration to waver. The fey dragon swoops into the air and casts [Hypnotic Pattern] as it turns visible again. All three Wardens, however, promptly becoming entranced by the colors.

A Warden gets a devastating blow, managing to slice off one of Zen'tabra’s three heads.

Vel starts her dance with the Sentinels on the cliff, managing to clip one of them with the edge of her blade

Seria continues to cast [Wrath] on the Warden engaged with Zen'tabra, and Tol'vas darts through the dazed Wardens to also help the fellow druid.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Didn’t expect to have to help you.

One of the heads winks at Tol’vas as he slashes into the Warden and then heals Jen'zak. Ash'alah swipes at the Warden.

Meanwhile the Sentinel is starting the dance of blades with Vel, but the vampyr is able to easily deflect her attacks.

Uther swings his hammer and manages to ring a Warden’s helm and knock her prone. Jen'zak screeches and claws at a Warden. However, one of her fellows backs her up and strikes with several vicious slashes.

Suddenly, there is a loud cry and a beautiful violet feathered creature swoops by. A Sentinel on it fires and connects with one of the Sentinels--who winces.

Hyjal Sentinel says [darnassian]: General?!

Shandris Feathermoon says [darnassian]: Lay down your bows, sisters!

The fey dragon lands and starts to nip at the Warden that Uther had knocked prone. Meanwhile, Seria casts [Wrath] on the startled Sentinel as she brings up Remnii’s flank.

The Sentinel on the cliff continues to slash at Vel.

Velameestra Windrunner says: If you haven’t noticed, we aren’t going for kills.

Hyjal Sentinel says: Your tricks won’t work on me, highborne!

The Sentinel's confidence seems to be wavering as Vel uses [Toll the Dead]--the echo of a banshee shriek leaving her shaken for a moment as Vel dances back to engage with the third Sentinel.

Wardens continue to slash at uther and, now-pressed, he deflects one of them with [Shield].

The other Sentinel that had arrived opts to focus on Vel, and one of her attacks manages to clip the vampyr--but the strike seemingly is rather ineffective.

Meanwhile, another head explodes from the stump that had been left on Zen’tabra’s hydra torso and she continues to bite at the various Wardens around her. Uther knocks one of the Wardens unconscious before he rounds on the other heavily injured one and knocks her unconscious as well.

Uther looks at the remaining coherent Warden.

Uther Menethil says: We aren’t your true enemy. This doesn’t need to continue.

The fey dragon looks at the Warden and uses [Charm Person].

Fey Dragon says [telepathically]: He’s right, you know!~ We are just trying to be your friend!

The spell seems to take hold. The ranged Hyjal Sentinel continues to fire arrows at Seria, but both are completely off-mark. Meanwhile, Jen'zak and Zen'tabra note the Warden is charmed and they hesitate long enough for Uther and Remnii to speak.

Uther gestures down at Ash’alah.

Uther Menethil says: If you won’t take my word for it, perhaps you are familiar with my companion?

The charmed Warden looks at Uther.

Kaldorei Warden says: Is what you speak true?

Uther Menethil says: It is.

Kaldorei Warden says: And that is why you spared my sisters? Throw your weapons down, and I will bring you to the chief Warden to explain yourselves.

Uther Menethil says: I’m afraid your chief Warden is somewhat compromised.

Kaldorei Warden says: If you are afraid to face judgment by Mistress Shadowsong, then perhaps you are not so innocent.

Uther Menethil says: Your Mistress Shadowsong is being led by the nose by the same demon we are here to slay!

Kaldorei Warden says: Then we shall explain it.

Uther Menethil says: Have you met your chief Warden?!

As Vel continues to engage with the Sentinels, they hear a warhorn. As they look in the direction of the sound, they can see several dozen Sentinels charging on night sabers. However, they also hear a loud roar from up above.

The ground around the charging Sentinels erupts in a [Wall of Thorns] to stall them. Remulos, Lunara, and Hamuul Runetotem are holding the walls--pinning the Sentinels in. There is another roar, and they can see the massive winged form of a green dragon fly overhead. She breathes a cloud of viridian gas over the entire cluster of Sentinels, and there is coughing... then the sound of bodies hitting the ground.

The walls drop, and most of the reinforcements are now sleeping soundly.

Seria narrows her eyes, noting through her truesight that some of the Sentinels are demons. At that exact moment, a hail of arrows of strike them–forcing them into their true forms. Several Rangari emerge from the shadows, their bows drawn on the demons–their number including Samaara and Naielle.

Shandris raises her arm in the air astride her mount.

Shandris Feathermoon says: Lay down your arms, sisters. There is deception afoot. Allow me to explain and all will be made clear!

Another familiar voice rings out.

Fandral Staghelm says: She speaks truthfully, Istaria. Lower your weapon.

Fandral steps out of the trees, and the Warden promptly removes her helm.

Istaria Staghelm says: Grandfather? Is this really true? Is this what these outsiders have said!? The High Priestess…

Suddenly, as the confusion settles, there is a shriek and something comes from careening out of the sky as if it was thrown. It’s a chimera, and it slams into the bridge. Jen'zak is able to scurry out of the way, but the rest of the bridge is taken out and Uther, Tol’vas, and Ash'alah are sent spilling onto the side of the bridge. Istaria is gone, and Zen'tabra is just barely holding on.

There is a bright shower of fel fire, and they see a pit lord emerge as it bursts a tree into flames.

Jen'zak is able to pull Zen'tabra up, but Uther starts to go after Istaria.

Seria says: Don’t do anything stupid!

Uther, however, lets go of the bridge–and Seria runs over and grabs on to him.

Uther Menethil says: SERIA. LET GO SHE’LL DIE.

Seria says: And you won’t!?

Uther Menethil says: NO. I WON’T. LET GO.

Uther splashes in as Vel erects a [Wall of Force] to cup the edge of the waterfall. Uther slams into the wall as other night elves run to charge the pit lord.

Fandral Staghelm says: ISTARIA!?

Fandral turns into a bird and takes off to try and look for Istaria at the base of the falls. Zen'tabra pulls Uther back up.

Zen'tabra says: You goin’ over those falls won’t save her.

Uther Menethil says: Everyone forgets I can fly!

Uther is clearly frustrated and in distress at the situation.

Zen'tabra says: I got to handle this pit lord. Keep moving.

Samaara says: Keep moving forward. We’ll be right behind you.

Seria punches the ground as Uther is retrieved, and the group continues to hurry forward. Uther takes one last look at the falls before following. They can see the Temple of Elune rapidly approaching and as they pass by Vel mana taps a moonwell.

They can see a battle already emerging. Illidan is present, his warglaives sparking as he fights against Maiev. Surrounding him are three translucent spirits. Jarod is also engaged in the combat, and beyond them--hovering in the air with her bow drawn at Illidan and the ata’mal crystals around her--is Tyrande. A star of brilliant light blasts down and strikes next to Illidan, who narrowly dodges.

Possessed Body of Tyrande Whisperwind says: More heathens come to desecrate the temple. You will suffer the same fate as they. I should have executed you when I had the chance.

Remnii says: This farce ends here!

Maiev Shadowsong says: Destroy them all! For Elune!

The spirits of vengeance continue to fight Jarod and Illidan, and one of the spirits fires at Seria.

Possessed Body of Tyrande Whisperwind says: Don’t kill Jarod. Once we lift the spell upon him, he too will see reason.

Remnii casts [Beacon of Hope].

Remnii says: Be safe everyone. We’re coming, Jarod!

Jarod Shadowsong says: Stormrage, we need to handle these spirits!

Illidan Stormrage says: Don’t tell me how to fight!

Illidan swings at Maiev, who returns the strike in kind.

Maiev Shadowsong says: I’ll drag you back to your prison if it’s the last thing I do!

She casts [Hold Monster] on Illidan and pushes the spell as he struggles. His body seizes up and she swings into him with a devastating slash from her umbral crescent.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I’m sort of sorry about this.

Tol’vas casts [Gravity Sinkhole] over the far group and there is a crack of magic as several of the spirits are drawn away. Illidan drops down to his knees.

Remnii says: We need to get to him!

Possessed Body of Tyrande Whisperwind says: Finish him, Maiev. Kill him.

Maiev, however, hesitates.

Maiev Shadowsong says: The Betrayer has not earned his death, High Priestess. We must bring him back!

Tyrande commands three stars to rain from the sky as she uses [Starfall]. She debates for a moment as she looks at Illidan, but she instead hurls them at Remnii and Vel, who struggle against the powerful strikes.

Tyrande holds her hands out and casts [Mind Sear], and the fey dragon darts at Tyrande. Ash'alah also runs forward and takes a protective position over Illidan. Maiev looks at Ash'alah in confusion.

Maiev Shadowsong says: Ash’alah!?

Uther Menethil says: The very same.

Maiev Shadowsong says: Does the depths of your depravity know no bounds!?

Uther Menethil says: Foolish.

Maiev swings at Uther, but he is able to deflect the attack with the [Shield] spell. Jarod continues to attack the Avatar of Vengeance.

Vel winces through the pain of the mind sear. She holds out her hand and there’s a pulse of arcane magic up the runes in her arm. She hurls the energy of the [Dispel Magic] at the Avatar of Vengeance and it connects.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Be at rest.

The magic coalesces around the avatar and then bursts as she pushes the spell, throwing her entire will behind the magic. It disappears, as do the rest of the spirits of vengeance.

Tyrande looks at the fey dragon and also casts [Dispel Magic].

Possessed Body of Tyrande Whisperwind says: Back to the Emerald Dream with you.

The fey dragon disappears as Uther gets Illidan to his feet with his lay on hands.

Uther Menethil says: On your feet, old timer.

Remnii says: We should focus on Tichondrius! If Maiev can see, she will understand!

Seria focuses on the plant life around her, and suddenly one of the trees awakens.

Sprout of Life says [sylvan]: We have seen. We shall fight. We shall bring truth.

It resembles a centaur-like treant similar to a tree of life.

Sprout of Life says [sylvan]: Breathe, child.

It reaches up and blows across its hands. A gentle breeze wafts over Uther and to Illidan, immediately healing him. It then starts to lumber towards Tyrande.

Possessed Body of Tyrande Whisperwind says: So you are the one conjuring such things.

She looks at Seria, and uses starfall on her, but Seria is able to maintain concentration. She hurls the last star at Remnii. She then uses brambleshot on Vel but Vel is able to deflect the attacks aside.

Vel runs forward and uses [Ossein Mend], healing herself somewhat before she casts [Chill Touch] on Tyrande. However, despite the fact it seemed like it was a perfect strike, Tyrande evaded it.

Tyrande looks at Seria’s summon and tries to dispel it, but Vel counters the dispel.

Jarod Shadowsong says: If one of you can reach her, or bring her down!

Seria runs forward and casts [Hold Person] on Tyrande. Tyrande tries to resist, but Seria pushes, and then pushes harder. The spell seems to cinch, but with a blast of moonlight Tyrande causes the spell to falter with one of her legendary resistances.

Seria then wildshapes, taking the form of a blood serpent as she surges up at Tyrande.

Remnii uses [Death Ward] on herself and then uses gift of the naaru.

The sprout of life hurls some bursting pods at Tyrande, which sprout into a rain of needles. Maiev grunts angrily and swings at Illidan.

Maiev Shadowsong says: Stay down, Betrayer!

However, as she strikes, Illidan is able to dodge and then kick her in the face–sending her helmet sailing off.

Maiev Shadowsong says: Stay out of this, brother! And you, human!

She casts [Hold Person] on Uther, Vel, and Jarod. Vel is completely unaffected, and Uther resists, but emerald chains wrap around Jarod and pull him to the ground.

Tol’vas darts behind a pillar and casts [Conjure Woodland Beings]. Several dryads spring into existence as Tol’vas drops his bear totem.

Uther casts [Hold Person] on Tyrande, but she is able to resist.

Illidan Stormrage says: For once in my life, Maiev, I have more important things to kill than you.

Illidan moves away from Maiev and leaps up onto a statue so he can attack Tyrande. He connects, which drives her to the ground, and he follows after her with another powerful blow. There is a rupture of energy from their impact.

Jarod breaks free from his paralysis.

Jarod Shadowsong says: Maiev! Stop this at once!

Ash'alah roars and runs for Tyrande. Maiev strikes at Uther as they go by, but as Ash’alah raises up to attack her sister’s body–she pauses for the briefest moment. It’s enough to deprive her of her opening.

Possessed Body of Tyrande Whisperwind says: Ash’alah! You can break free of their enchantment! I know you can, please, fight them!

The dryads both use [Dispel Magic] on Tyrande and several of her buffs immediately disperse. Seria shoots down and wraps around Tyrande, constricting her. Illidan sees his opening and strikes while Seria bites. Jarod runs forward and joins in the circle.

Tol’vas shoots a [Wrath] at Tyrande and then hides in the shadows of the pillar.

Vel is blasted with two starfalls while one is sent at Remnii.

Possessed Body of Tyrande Whisperwind says: So kind of you for all of you to gather in one place so that I may excise you from this temple all in one go.

Tyrande’s eyes go black and her hands ripple with moonlight. The starfall fades, and she grins--her body contorting with darkness as it expands into [Dark Star]. Her teeth go sharp, before everything goes black.

Illidan Stormrage says: I DON’T THINK SO, DEMON!

His voice is silent as he whirls into Tyrande and then leaps from the area. Those that could see through the darkness see leathery wings had appeared from her back, and horns had sprouted from her head as her eyes glimmer with fel malevolence.

The sprout of life starts to escape from the area and fires its bursting pods at the wavering disguise of Tyrande.

Maiev runs through the darkness and sees Remnii at the edge.

Maiev Shadowsong says: What sorcery is this!?

Ash’alah also runs out of the dark star and emerges next to illidan.

Remnii says: Do you really think this is me? Maiev, do you truly think your brother would rally behind a cause without believing in it? You know him better. I can see the conviction in you. Use your head. I don’t have time for this. They are going to die, including Jarod!

Remnii casts [Daylight] and with a brilliant burst of light erupts from the center--dispelling the entire area. Across the way, they can see the fel-contorted Tyrande.

Remnii says: Let us put this right. Together.

Maiev’s face contorts into sheer underrated despair, anger, and confusion. Then she lowers her umbral crescent from where she had brought it up to Remnii's chest. She snarls.

Maiev Shadowsong says: Lets finish this.

Session Fifty-Two — World of Warcraft: Redux (2024)


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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

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Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.